How do CDNs Work?


As technology advances so rapidly nowadays, many people lose track of the new installments. We all know about cloud solutions already, but not many people have even heard about CDNs. This is interesting, as everyone gets their online content via CDNs every single day. From online newspapers and social media platforms to virtual shopping, all these sites are loading quickly and seamlessly because they incorporate a CDN hosting.

What are CDNs?

CDN means a content delivery network, which is a number of online servers located across the globe. They are necessary in order to ensure quick delivery of web content to the end user. Almost all the content nowadays goes through these servers to make the pages load quickly. This includes loading images, videos, HTML elements, and more. Moreover, CDNs add a layer of protection as they can prevent certain hacker attacks.

How does it Work?

First, it is necessary to realize why CDNs are in such high demand these days. For example, if a web server is located on another continent from the user that wants to open a webpage, it might take a few seconds to load. Because of this latency, people might experience slow loading and other inconveniences. But with a whole network of servers, there is a cached version of a site stored in each of them and the closest one is picked in order to deliver the content to the page viewer. The more servers in the network, the higher the chances of finding a server so close to you, that the latency will not even be noticeable.

Nowadays, more than half of the traffic passes through the CDNs. This solution is adopted by numerous international websites and businesses that need to cater to their audience globally. This solution is often used in social media, e-commerce, healthcare, and more.

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