Benjamin Netanyahu to address US Congress


WASHINGTON: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will soon address the US Congress, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson has announced, amid the ongoing fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza strip.

“We will soon be hosting Prime Minister Netanyahu at the Capitol for a joint session of Congress,” Johnson said, adding that the visit would mark “a very strong show of support to the Israeli government.”

The invitation comes after a double setback suffered by Israel this week: the recognition by three European countries of a Palestinian state and the announcement by the International Criminal Court prosecutor that he would seek arrest warrants for Netanyahu as well as Hamas leaders over alleged war crimes during the Gaza conflict.

The White House has voiced frustration with Israel in particular over its military operations in the Gaza city of Rafah, where more than one million people are sheltering. Republicans have assailed Biden over his arms supply threat and Johnson has accused Biden of “carrying water” for Hamas.

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