
Glitches after historic Afghan Peace Agreement

The Taliban regime under Mullah Omar took over power after capturing Kabul in October 1996. It managed to eliminate war lordism, poppy growing and crimes and restore normalcy by introducing strict Sharia.


Race to White House - Trumpism evaporated in thin air

Donald J. Trump of the opposition Republican Party won the presidential race against the ruling Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton in November 2016 who had three million more votes than Trump, but lost in the Electoral College having 538 decisive votes, in which Trump secured 306 electoral votes. Electoral College is confined to few right leaning States where till recent whites have been in majority. Trump won because he was the choice of predatory capitalist corporations and the Zionists.


Change of demography in Kashmir

Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of the Partition in 1947 which was left behind by the British and it has bedeviled Indo-Pakistan relations. The two arch rivals went to war thrice over Kashmir and reached the brink of war several times even when both acquired nuclear capabilities.


Pakistan's response to coronavirus has been declared as best national resposne by World Health Organization.

At the times when other countries were reporting a drastic increase in the cases, Pakistan was keeping the virus at bay.  Pakistan, although, sharing the borders with most infected areas of coronavirus, like China and Iran, has been far more successful in controlling the virus.  


Donald Trump’s dark era

We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping-jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." - John Swinton, editor of the New York Tribune, in the 1880s, at a banquet of his fellow editors.


Coronavirus and its impact on global

During the Cold War, the two antagonists – USA and former Soviet Union - in their bid to safeguard the vital western and eastern hemispheres and to increase respective spheres of influence within the crush zone residing in the 3rd world, made use of 12-memer NATO and 23-member Warsaw Pact countries.


Defeat COVID -19 through Will and Unity

COVID-19 virus started in China, spread over 210 countries, engaged over 1705000 (and death toll recorded 105000 globally since December 2019. Turkmenistan, North Korea, Tajikistan and Yemen are free from VOVID-19   countries, probably due to less travelling history in these countries.  


How to Solve Education Crisis during These Hard Times of Coronavirus

There are different and new guidance implemented to help in curbing and protecting children and schools from the pandemic. The World Health Organization is in the front line providing the practical considerations that will help in keeping schools safe. There are precautions in place to assist in implementing and adapting to emergency plans for all educational facilities.



OneTripInsurance - Where Automobile Insurance is Re-Invented

Insurance Industry in Pakistan is taking a major initiative by introducing a world class product which allows customers to get their vehicles insured themselves via online


Tech Wars: Apple vs Epic Games -The battle of the tech giants begins

It’s one of the biggest battles to erupt in the tech space: Epic Games, the company that brought you Fortnite, has stepped into the ring to take on tech giant and household name Apple. 


Simmering cauldron of South China Sea

Role of Jewish lobby

Washington has a long record of bullying nations to meet its demands, changing regimes and of engaging in illegal wars of aggression in the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa.


Climate Change and Energy solutions

It is well known that the ravages of climate change and environmental degradation are most keenly felt